ABOUT US: The North Jersey Chromatography Group is a topical group of the North Jersey Local Section - American Chemical Society. We are also an active participant of the EAS (Eastern Analytical Symposium) and CPSA (Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis). Our mission is to provide a forum where separation scientists can learn, network and develop their careers through seminars, socials, and symposia. We are a non-profit organization that has attendees from academia, industry, and suppliers. We are focused on providing technical, cutting-edge knowledge while supporting the advancement of separation science products.
North Jersey Chromatography Group Committee
Executive Leadership:
Chair: Nimisha Thakur (Merck)
2023 Past-Chair: Qian Zhang (BMS)
Chair-Elect and Treasurer: Roger Hsu (Insmed)
Secretary: Yuan Ren (BMS)
Back-up Treasurer: Weidong Tong (Merck)
Website Administrators and Past Chairs: Doreen Schwanenflugel (Merck), Ying Hu (Ascendia Pharmaceuticals)
Past Chairs and Active Committee Members:
Mirlinda Biba (Merck) - ACS Laison
Yejia (Jay) Li (CSPCUS)
Hua (Amy) Liu (Syner-G BioPharma Group)
Robert Menger (BMS)
Jinjian Zheng (Merck)
Jason Shen (Insmed),
Xiaohua Zhang (Merck)
Jinjian Zheng (Merck)
Event Organizer: Amanda Guiraldelli Mahr (USP)
Other Committee Members:
Jiangtao He (Boehringer Ingelheim)
Eunsu Jeong (Insmed)
David Kohler (Retired) - Past Treasurer
Catherine Miles (BMS)
Ujala Patel (Merck)
Michael Wey (Boehringer Ingelheim)